The Road To Milestone — Giants

I can see it now
When you suffocate the voice somehow
And desperately try to save yourself.
Don't say your hands were tied
From the start was this all a lie.

You say you're all about this thing you call love
Well it looks like you ride when push came to shove.
Stay away, stay away, stay away
From my friends and my family.
I will watch while your throne falls around you
Crushing the only ones who loved you.

I will feel back my own skin
To show you a broken skeleton
Of the man that you have formed
That fell to pieces after the storm.
Hand over your crown
Don't ever show your face in town.

We all look up to giants
And when they fall they leave the biggest prints.
I can see it now
When you suffocate the voice somehow
And desperately try to save yourself.
This isn't over until I say so.
Don't think I don't know that you're planning to let go
Of our one and only hopes while were up against the ropes.

Краткое описание

Песня «The Road To Milestone» от Giants рассказывает историю о предательстве и падении человека, который заявлял о своих любящих чувствах, но в конечном итоге оказался ненадежным. Текст песни описывает процесс расставания с предателем и желание отомстить за обманутых друзей и семью. Автор песни говорит о том, что он вернет себе силы, чтобы показать правду о предателе, который забыл о своих идеалах и смысле жизни. В заключение, песня подчеркивает, что когда великие люди падают, они оставляют самые большие следы на земле.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев