Terry Reid — Seed Of Memory (вечная дорога вникуда)

Brave Dreams
That Are Kindled From Ashes
Rise Out Over All The Battle Below
Spread Wings Over All That He Passes
So His Life Can Stay Immortal To His Country
All The Shades Of Green That Fall Beneath This Tree
So Let The Winds Of Change
That Rearrange The Country
Let It Also Sow A Seed Of Memory

Marlena In The Cool Satin Sashes
Spread Dreams Over The Battle Below
Bring Love With A Song As She Passes
So His Life Can Stay Immortal To The Country
And Let Every Man Aware Of Being Free
Mmm, When She Talks Of Times When Wine Is Handed To Me
From A Face That Walked Out Of A Memory

And Now That The Battle Is Done
And You Wake Up In The Morning
With The Sun Up In The Sky
Summer Never Gives You No Warning Then
Flowers Are Getting Thrown Up To Cover The Mud Up On The Line
Valleys Getting Greener And There's
Nothing But Love On Your Mind

Brave Dreams That Are Kindled From Ashes
Rise Out Over The Battle Below
Spread Wings Over All That He Passes
So His Life Can Stay Immortal To The Country
Other Shades Of The Green That Brought For Me A Victory
But The Winds Of Change
Have Rearranged This Country

Let It Also Sow A Seed Of Memory.

Let It Always Sow A Seed Of Memory.

Let It Always Sow A Seed Of Memory For A Long Time.

Краткое описание

Песня «Seed Of Memory» (Вечная дорога вникуда) исполняется Terry Reid и представляет собой оду о героизме, любви и памяти. Текст песни содержит много образов, связанных с природой и воинской славой. Основная идея песни заключается в том, что память о героях и их подвигах должна быть сохранена для будущих поколений. Песня выражает надежду на вечную славу и любовь, которые прослеживаются в природе и в сердцах людей.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев