Starbomb — Kirby’s Adventures in Reamland [»Starbomb»/2013/320 kbps]

Hey, Kirby's in Dreamland, gonna eat all your shit!
Including you!

Yo, Dreamland's where it's motherfucking at
Seeing Dedede eat food cause he's motherfucking fat
There's a little pink bastard
Who's eating even faster
His name is Kirby, bitch, and he's the motherfucking master
Eats big things, spits them out with great force
So that got me thinking 'bout my dick of course
You know he's DTF, this ain't Super Smash Brothers
Kirby's banned from tournaments, for fucking all your mothers

Ninja Sex Party and Kirby
Egoraptor, getting dirty
You got six inches, we got thirty
(Each, motherfucker!)
It's time to turn down all the lights
Make sure the mood is right
Cause we are slamming Kirby tonight

That's right I'm fucking Kirby in the back of my car
He's transporting on my dick like it's a motherfucking Warp Star
You never see his tongue, but you better know it's there
Cause once he's got it sprung, you gotta look it up on FourSquare
Three bitches just checked up into that shit
Zelda, Peach and Lolo's girlfriend like a big banana split
Kirby's dick's a yellow fruit, just chilling in the middle
Hanging over each edge, make your Double Dees appear little
Scratch that bitch, that he's sucking on a Twinkie
Dip the cream on their lips, wipe it off with girly pinkies
Everyone satisfied when that little pink guy
Starts creeping up their thighs
But they better get in line
Cause I'm fucking Kirby tonight
And I'll never have a better night
A better night

Excuse me! Did somebody say Meta Knight?

No! Fuck off!

He's like a little pink potato
Sucking on balls like they're Metamatos
Screaming "Oh God" like a double rainbow
(What does it mean, motherfucker?)
It can't be wrong if it feels right
We're painting Dreamland white
Cause we are slamming Kirby tonight

Fuck yeah!

Краткое описание

Песня «Kirby’s Adventures in Reamland» исполняется группой Starbomb и повествует о приключениях героя видеоигры Kirby в мире снов. Авторы песни используют нецензурную лексику и юмор для описания сцен, в которых Kirby участвует в различных сексуальных ситуациях с героинями из других видеоигр. Песня высмеивает концепцию Kirby, который известен своей способностью поглощать врагов и объекты, и использованием этой способности для сексуальной выгоды.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев