Safetysuit — Have your way with me

Hold on, what's the rush, what's the rush
We're not done are we
Cause I don't need to change this
Atmosphere we've made
If you can stay one more hour,
Can you stay one more hour

You know I'm gonna find a way
To let you have your way with me
You know I'm gonna find a time
To catch your hand and make you stay

Hold on, I'll be here when it's
All done you know
Cause what's the point in chasing
If I can't enjoy your face and
We can't be wrong tonight
Can we be wrong tonight

You know I'm gonna find a way
To let you have your way with me
You know I'm gonna find a time
To catch your hand and make you stay

I don't care what clothes you wear,
It's time to love and I don't care
You know I'm gonna find a way
To let you have your way with me

And if I was running,
You'd be the one
Who I would be running to
And if I was crying you would be lining
The cloud that would pull me through

And if I was scared then I would be glad
To tell you and walk away
But I am not lying, I am just trying
To find my way in to you

You know I'm gonna find a way
To let you have your way with me
You know I'm gonna find a time
To catch your hand and make you stay

I don't care what clothes you wear,
It's time to love and I don't care
You know I'm gonna find a way
To let you have your way with me

You know I'm gonna find a way
To let you have your way with me
You know I'm gonna find a time
To catch your hand and make you stay

I don't care what clothes you wear,
It's time to love and I don't care
You know I'm gonna find a way
To let you have your way with me

If I was running
If I was crying
If I was scared

You know I'm gonna find a way
To let you have your way with me

Краткое описание

Песня «Have Your Way with Me» группы Safetysuit представляет собой романтическую балладу, в которой певец выражает свою готовность и желание допустить любую желаемую своей партнершей акцию и провести время с ней. Песня содержит мотивы любви и уважения, а также готовности принимать друг друга такими, какие они есть. Музыкальная композиция относится к жанру альтернативной рок-музыки и обладает мелодичным звучанием, которое поддерживает эмоциональный контекст песни.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев