Princess Rap Battle!
Daenerys vs Maleficent
Let the rap battle begin!

Well, well, oh dear, what an awkward situation
I’m quite distressed to not receive at least an invitation
To your kneeling supplication: I’m the rhyming ruination
That will put your puny nation in suspended animation

I am Daenerys Stormborn, First of My Name
You can call me Khaleesi The Breaker of Chains
You’re insane bringing battle, why you diggin’ your own grave?
I’ll snap ya like the collar on a free city slave

You know, I’m just so delighted by your family’s bad luck
A curse would be useless: you already suck
First daddy went mad, then you killed your own mother
Hothead brother was murdered by the husband you smothered

Well, all men must die

I wish that they would
The truth is I’m ruthless - I make bad look good
Medieval evil with a needle, lethal, lyrical as well
Illinest villainess who’s killin’ this with all the powers of Hell

Oh, whatever Elvira, you call that a verse?
You’re a fairy-tale bully: find an infant to curse
And what’s your obsession with fingers and pricks?
Forget spinning wheels, you should conjure some dicks
These hocus pocus jokers best get out of our grills
The only thing mad about me is my skills

Like a sword through your heart let this point sink in

This hottie freed the slaves

Call me Babe-raham Lincoln

Eat your heart out, sweetie

Better start counting sheep

We’ll be scoring while you’re snoring in perpetual sleep
No privates in your army?

That’s crazy

It’s nuts
You all show so much ass it should be called Game of Butts
Isn’t it scary when you’re forced into marryin’
Surrounded by hairy men and losin’ your cherry then
Your baby’s miscarryin’ - Bargain Barbie Barbarian
Like the last dead Valyrian I will bury house Targaryen

If you’re so powerful then answer me this:
What kind of crap magic gets destroyed by a kiss?
All in black with those horns? You look like a burnt goat

It’s done

Stick a fork in her

That’s all she wrote
Show’s over, soon you’ll be a feast for crows
Jon Snow knows these bozos got no flows and although
I rose from the ashes

Now a force you can’t stop

She started from the bottom

Now I finish on top

You think that was hot? It’s not even warm
Come to my world and see my true form
I like your style, kid, but it’s time to retire
Spoiler alert: I’m about to spit fire

I’m The Mother of Dragons, you can’t burn me!
The best don’t rest - it’s my destiny
So send me back home, I’ve an empire to build or
You’ll scream when you die like the last witch I killed

Краткое описание

Песня «Princess Rap Battle — Maleficent vs Daenerys» — это смешное и остроумное сражение между двумя знаменитыми персонажами: Злой Королевой Морафиной и Даenerыс Таргариен из сериала «Игра престолов». В песне персонажи выражают свои мысли и мнения через рэп, используя шутки, иронию и сарказм. Они обмениваются инспирирующими и оскорбительными фразами, каждый из которых пытается доказать свою силу и значимость. Песня наполнена ссылками на события из сериала и сюжетные линии, что делает ее интересной для поклонников шоу.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев