Lynched — The Old Man from Over the Sea

There was an old man came over the sea,
Aye, but I'll not have him.
There was an old man came over the sea,
Came snivelling, snuffling, over on me,
With his long grey beard, with his long grey beard,
A‐shivering and shaking

My mother she told me to bid him come in
And he giggled and dribbled all over his chin
With his long...

My mother she told me to give him a stool,
Well I gave him a stool and he sat like a fool

My mother she told me to give him some cake
And the silly old fool wriggled just like a snake

My mother she told me to pass him the sugar
And he shivvelled and shovelled it down like a bugger

My mother she told me to take him to bed
And the daft old devil nigh stood on his head

My mother told me to show him what to do
But the silly old cod couldn’t learn how to screw

My mother she told me to bid him farewell
Well I bid him farewell and I wished him in hell

There was an old man came over the sea
Came snivelling, snuffling, over on me

Краткое описание

Песня «The Old Man from Over the Sea» представляет собой скачую песню с юмористическим сюжетом. Главный герой — старый мужчина, который прибывает на корабле и пытается завоевать сердце молодого человека, который должен следовать советам своей матери. В тексте песни описываются различные неудачи старика, причины которых связаны с его возрастом и неспособностью выполнять простые задачи. В конце песни молодой человек отвергает старика и желает ему плохого.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев