Gun — Taking on the World

You're holding out your hand, are you falling?
You're talking to yourself, nobody's there
There's a burning in your heart like a hunger
There's something on your mind, nobody cares

When you feel that life is dragging you down day by day
You've gotta break away

You're taking on the world
Taking on the world (And I swear they'll never break me)
Taking on the world

Precious time, do we know what we're fighting for
Taking time, so we don't make the same mistakes again
Take a look on the other side
Look at what we will leave behind

When you feel that love is dragging you down day by day
You've gotta break way

You're taking on the world
Taking on the world (and I swear they'll never take me)
Taking on the world
Taking on the world (and I swear they'll never break me)
Taking on the world
Taking on the world

What's love is it wild sorrow?
Brave face, is your heart breaking?
Who cares when you cry freedom?
It's the right place for the right reasons

You're taking on the world
Taking on the world (and I swear they'll never take me)
Taking on the world
Taking on the world (and I swear they'll never break me)
Taking on the world (they'll never take me)
Taking on the world (they'll never change me)

You're taking on the world
Taking on the world
Taking on the world
Taking on the world

Краткое описание

Песня «Taking on the World» группы Gun является мощным призывом к смелости и стойкости в лицо трудностей и препятствий. Текст песни подчеркивает важность борьбы за свою свободу и отстаивания своих прав, независимо от того, какие препятствия стоят на пути. Музыкальный ряд песни вызывает эмоции и вдохновляет на действие, поддерживая слушателя в его попытках преодолеть трудности и выйти за пределы своих границ.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев