French tobacco — Cry

Arriving to an unknown town
But still the smell reminds me how
When I was so young
Arriving to an unknown town
But still the smell reminds me how
When I was so young
My father and I used to walk
In the same streets
Under the same sunny sky
Oh the people used to wave "Hi"
In the same streets
Under the same sunny sky
Oh the people used to wave ...

And I didn't cry
With the bombs and the fire
I kept my head up high
When they took, took his life

And when the bombs , when they fell down
On people's head and in people' mind
Somebody told me "Kid you should go
Where the sky is still blue and the crimes are still low !"
So I had no choice I had to go
I could have build my own grave and wait for the snow
And like my father did so many years ago !
Dig my own grave and wait for the snow

And I didn't cry
With the bombs and the fire
I kept my head up high
When they took, took his life

See the world
Watch the sun
And he said "feel it burn inside out
I'll be there by your side
Every moment that goes by"
He said "I'll be there by your side
Every moment that goes by"

And I didn't cry
With the bombs and the fire
I kept my head up high
When they took, took his life

And I didn't cry
With the bombs and the fire
I kept my head up high
When they took, took his life
I kept my head up high
When they took, took his life

Краткое описание

Песня «French Tobacco — Cry» рассказывает историю человека, который оставляет родной город и воспоминания о своем отце, погибшем от бомбардировок. В песне говорится о том, как он и его отец гуляли по одним и тем же улицам под солнцем, и как люди приветствовали их. Когда города подвергались бомбардировкам, он не плакал и держался высоко, когда его отец погиб.

Чтобы избежать насилия и преступности, герой песни уезжает в город с голубым небом и низкой преступностью. Он смотрит на мир и на солнце, чувствуя присутствие своего отца рядом с ним в каждый момент. Песня выражает силу и мужество человека, который стоит на своих ногах и продолжает идти вперед, не теряя надежды на лучшее.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев