Eva Cassidy — Cheek To Cheek (swing)

Heaven, I'm in heavenand my heart beats
so that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find the happiness
I seek
When we're out together dancing
cheek to cheek

Oh, heaven, I'm in heaven
and the cares that hung around me through the week
Seem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streak
When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek

Oh, I love to go out fishingin an ocean or a creek
But it wouldn't thrill me half as much asdancing cheek to cheek
Oh, I love to climb a mountainand reach the highest peak
But it wouldn't thrill me half as much asdancing cheek to cheek
Won't you come and dance with meI want my arms about youThe charms about you will carry me through
To heaven,
I'm in heavenThe cares that hung around me through the week
Seem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streak
When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek

Oh, won't you come and dance with me
I want my arms about you
The charms about youwill carry me through
To heaven,
I'm in heaven
The cares that hung around me through the weekseem to vanish
like a gambler's lucky streak
Oh, when we're out togetherout together
When we're out togetherdancing cheek to cheek

Краткое описание

Песня «Cheek To Cheek» исполняется Эвой Кассиди в стиле свинг. Текст песни описывает радость и счастье, которые испытывает человек, когда танцует с кем-то, кем он любит. Автор песни говорит о том, что танцы «шепотливо шепчут» слова любви и приносят больше радости, чем другие занятия, такие как рыбалка или восхождение на гору. Песня написана в духе старой голливудской эпохи и повествует о красоте простых моментов в жизни, таких как танцы в паре.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев