Cold Snap — Insurrection

Get the fuck up, stand the fuck up,
Open your eyes and fucking realice,
Here is anger, here`s our painful cramp,
It is not tender, we are the only terror.
Fuck the congress, fuck that fucking herd.
Fuck the government, we just wanna be heard.
Who has the right to control our sorrow life?
We are creators, life`s our building site.
Protocol, promises
This is a lie, every time the same!
Protocol, protocol
We had enought, we`re going insane!
Promises, protocol
This is shit, this is a massacre!
Promises, promises
What? Empty promises!
This is rebellion,
It`s not constitutional,
But it`s my, but it`s my
This is rebellion,
It is not rational,
But it`s my, but it`s my
You wanna know how I feel?
Well my feelings are just inexpressible!
You wanna hear about your actions?
Well your actions are just inadmissible!
My tears are blood, I`m bleeding everyday.
All your scars are deep inside of me.
And nightmares are real,
They are fighting against me!
Protocol, promises
This is a lie, every time the same!
Protocol, protocol
We had enought, we`re going insane!
Promises, protocol
This is shit, this is a massacre!
And nightmares are real,
They are fighting against me!
This is rebellion,
It`s not constitutional,
But it`s my, but it`s my
This is rebellion,
It is not rational,
But it`s my, but it`s my
This is my insurrection,
This is your insurrection,
This is our insurrection,
This is rebellion,
It`s not constitutional,
But it`s my, but it`s my
This is rebellion,
It is not rational,
But it`s my, but it`s my

Краткое описание

Песня «Insurrection» группы Cold Snap выражает чувство гнева и недовольства общественными и политическими условиями. Текст песни насыщен сильными эмоциями и критикой власти. Песня описывает борьбу против систематических лжи и обещаний, которые не выполняются. Музыкальное сопровождение подчеркивает накал эмоций и атмосферу неподчинения. Основой текста песни является идея инсуррекции — восстания против несправедливости и неразумности системы.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев