Charles Brown — A Virus Called the Blues

It seems the blues
Will never,never,never leave me
It seems the blues
Will never,never go away
(And that's what thanks)
I've beene so downhearted
Since my love and I have parted
But the blues keep coming back
I caught the blues
When my baby left me
Yes, i'm so blue
All alone and accused
All alone I detected
That I was infected
With a virus called the blues
I went to my doctor
And get a little relief
I told him all about you baby
Max, I walked the floor
My heart was in grief
I told him what you mean to me
He said go home
Go home, Charles
It's nothing I can do for you
Go home, go home
I have no good news
You don't need no narcotics,
No antibiotics
You got a virus called the blues


I went to my doctor
And get a little relief
I told him all about you baby
Max, I walked the floor
My heart was in grief
I told him what you mean to me
He said go home
Go home, Charles
It's nothing I can do for you
Go home
I have no good news
You don't need no narcotics,
No antibiotics
You got a virus called the blues
I have a virus called the blues
Max, I have a virus called the blues
Charles Brown, you know I have a virus called the blues
Yes, I got a virus, virus called the blues
I got a cronic virus called the blues
It happened to me, Max, I have a virus called the blues
Yes, Charles, I have a virus (yeah) called the blues...

Краткое описание

Песня «A Virus Called the Blues» исполняется Чарльзом Брауном и повествует о том, как любовь и разрыв с ней приводят к горести и чувству отчаяния. Автор песни сравнивает свои чувства с вирусом, который заразил его и не дает найти успокоение. В песне также упоминается обращение к врачу за помощью, но он признается, что не может ничего сделать для излечения данного вируса. Это песня о тяжелом чувстве горести и потере, вызванных разрывом в любви.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев