Muse — Futurism (Japanese Bonus Track)

Ignorance pulls
Apostasy and apathy still rules
Yeah you know it's cool

Just suck and see
A future turns us into silent gods
And I won't miss you at all

Boxed in
Like the evil in your veins

Boxed in
I am stuck with you

Fate can't decide
Alignment of the planets in your hands Come on crush our plans

Just suck and see
A future that won't let you disagree
And I won't miss you at all

Boxed in
Like the evil in your veins

Boxed in I am stuck with you

Feel it, hear it, apathy
See it, be it, you'll see

Краткое описание

This song, «Futurism» by Muse, is a Japanese bonus track. The lyrics convey a sense of ignorance, apostasy, and apathy prevailing in society. The song suggests that these negative traits are considered cool. The phrase «Just suck and see» implies a passive acceptance of the future, which turns individuals into silent gods. The lyrics express a lack of attachment or longing for someone, stating «And I won’t miss you at all.» The lines «Grounded, Boxed in, Like the evil in your veins» metaphorically describe feeling trapped or confined. The phrase «I am stuck with you» suggests a sense of entanglement or being unable to escape a situation. The song also mentions the influence of fate and the alignment of planets, inviting the listener to challenge predetermined plans. Overall, «Futurism» explores themes of indifference, confinement, and the struggle against predetermined paths.

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